Monthly Archives: August 2021
Eha Vakkermann
August 01, 2021
Estonia is a land of forests and bogs which hold a treasure – peat. Peat is one of the most important natural resources of Estonia, a well known heating and gardening product that in addition to the industrial value, contains hugely beneficial substances for human organism.
Estonia is situated in northern Europe, in a place where geology, biology, and weather have collaborated to create a layer of balneological peat so rich in humic substances that it can be used to produce high quality natural cosmetics. This is how Turbliss natural cosmetics series was born. In this article, we discuss the benefits of Wild Nordic natural cosmetic peat for skin and hair.
How Turbliss was born
Turbliss was born out of the dream to give more value to a very special natural resource using the knowledge of our grandmothers in combination with modern science. Together with scientists of Tartu University and bog specialists, Turbliss worked out unique methods how to find, dig, analyze, and process